APAQ-H (Discontinued)

Analog Adjustable 2-wire Transmitters

APAQ-H is a family of multirange 2-wire temperature transmitters for Pt100 or Thermocouple input. Designed for highest reliability and excellent industrial performance. The ”low profile” housing is extremely durable and facilitates easy connections and adjustments.

  • Rangeable with solderpads and potentiometers
  • Temperature linear output for Pt100 (APAQ-HRF/-HRFX)
  • mV linear output for T/C (APAQ-HCF/-HCFX)
  • Consistent sensor break function
  • Easy wiring, large center hole
  • Moulded electronics for high protection

Technical Specification

InputRTD; Thermocouple
Input RTDPt100
Input ThermocoupleType J, L, T, K, N
Type Of TransmitterAnalog
Output4-20 mA
Measuring channels1 channel
Input connections3-wire connection
Power supplyAPAQ-HRF/-HCF: 6.5 to 32 VDC; APAQ-HRFX/-HCFX: 8.5 to 30 VDC
Typical accuracyRTD: ±0.15% of span;
T/C: ±0.5% to ± 1.0% of span
Quick deliveryYes


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